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RiverPlace Dental Blog

5 Tips for Protecting Your Teeth During the Holidays

December 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 4:08 pm
family showing good oral health in Portland during the holidays

The holiday season is that magical time of year for gift-giving and spending time with loved ones. During the festivities, you’ll likely enjoy Christmas music along with chowing down on all your favorite staple meals. While your belly may be thoroughly satisfied, you might want to keep your oral health in mind to avoid future complications with your smile. Read on to learn five essential tips for keeping your teeth safe during the holidays!


Why Is There a Black Line Around Your Dental Crown?

September 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 11:40 pm
Man covering his mouth

Dental crowns are restorations that are used to protect teeth that have been structurally damaged as a result of decay or another reason. They are hollow and placed over a compromised tooth as a way to protect it from enduring additional damage. If you have had a dental crown for a while now, you may notice that a dark line has formed around it. Reason on to learn what this is and what you can do about it.


Taking Care of Your Fillings Will Keep You Smiling

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 11:32 pm
molar fissure dental fillings illustration

Dental fillings are a lifesaver – at least as far as your teeth are concerned. A filling gives your tooth a second chance after suffering from a cavity. But how long do fillings last? The answer depends on several factors, including the materials used and how well you care for your new and improved smile. With this in mind, keep reading to learn about the average lifespan of fillings, how to properly maintain them, and signs it’s time for a replacement.


Can Gum Disease Be Genetic?

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 2:55 pm
Woman inspecting her mouth for signs of gum disease.

There are a lot of traits that you inherit from your parents—virtually everything from the color of your hair to the length of your pinky finger is determined by genetics. But did you know that your genes can also leave you vulnerable to certain medical conditions? These can vary from the serious to the mundane, but one you should definitely be aware of is gum disease! Believe it or not, gum disease isn’t just the result of poor oral habits—unfortunately, genetics plays a role as well. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about this link along with some tips for keeping your smile healthy.


4 Things to Expect at an Emergency Dental Visit

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 11:28 am
Emergency dentists in clinic

You’d probably think of going to your hospital’s emergency room in a medical emergency. That’s an appropriate response to take in most situations. However, a dental emergency is a bit different. Should the latter occur, it’d be best to see your local emergency dentist at their office.

Want to know what’s involved in an emergency dental visit?  Read on to learn four things you should expect from the experience.


6 Things Your Dentist Never Puts in Their Mouth

March 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 5:03 pm

As you know, brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing at least once is key to keeping your smile healthy and looking its best. Along with practicing good oral hygiene, eating the right foods is also an important part of maintaining a gorgeous grin, but consuming the wrong things or putting non-food items in your mouth can harm your oral health. Read on to learn about six things that you shouldn’t put in your mouth to prevent a dental emergency.


5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Good Emergency Dentist

February 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 5:56 pm
emergency dentist crossing arms and smiling

There’s never a good time for a dental emergency. From damaging one of your pearly whites to losing it altogether, having to stop what you’re doing and go to your dentist’s office to receive urgent care can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. Though avoiding these situations is best, it’s wise to have a plan for what to do if the need for prompt treatment arises. Read on to learn about five factors that you should take into consideration when choosing an emergency dentist.


Does it Hurt to Have Your Teeth Cleaned?

October 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 2:54 am
Does it Hurt to Have Your Teeth Cleaned?

Every six months, you’re supposed to go to the dentist for a dental checkup and cleaning. This allows them to do a thorough exam of your mouth and to clean built-up plaque and tartar off your teeth. As a key part of maintaining good oral health, scheduling and attending these appointments is crucial. Even so, some people still avoid them out of fear of their dental cleanings being painful. Read on to learn whether dental cleanings hurt and what you can do to reduce sensitivity or discomfort.


Is Tooth Pain Considered a Dental Emergency?

September 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 12:05 am
Man with tooth pain

Are you dealing with an achy tooth? Toothaches can be excruciatingly painful, and they never seem to go away on their own. Even if you think that you’re tough enough to handle the pain, this doesn’t mean that you should continue on without dental attention. Tooth pain means that something isn’t quite right in your mouth, so you should have your dentist take a look. Continue reading to learn whether or not a toothache is considered a dental emergency and some of the possible causes.


Is a Waterpik Better Than Dental Floss?

August 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverplace @ 7:13 pm
Smiling woman getting out dental floss for flossing

It’s no secret that flossing isn’t a very popular pastime. If you’re looking to improve your oral health but find flossing frustrating, you may be considering switching to a water flosser like a Waterpik. However, it’s important to do your research before swapping out your traditional string of dental floss! Read on as we go over some important differences between how each option works and help you determine which one is best for you.

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