As you know, brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing at least once is key to keeping your smile healthy and looking its best. Along with practicing good oral hygiene, eating the right foods is also an important part of maintaining a gorgeous grin, but consuming the wrong things or putting non-food items in your mouth can harm your oral health. Read on to learn about six things that you shouldn’t put in your mouth to prevent a dental emergency.
#1: Lemons and Limes
Some people find sucking on a slice of lemon or lime to be refreshing, but this seemingly harmless habit can do a lot of damage to your smile. Lemons and limes are highly acidic and can damage your tooth enamel, which makes you more likely to develop cavities. Sucking on these sour fruits should be avoided to keep your smile strong and healthy.
#2: Ice Cubes
While some people enjoy sucking the sour juice from lemons and limes, others find it refreshing to chew on a cup of ice cubes. Unfortunately, this can chip or crack your teeth, which will result in a dental emergency. Drink an ice-cold beverage, eat a popsicle, or let the ice cubes melt in your mouth instead to prevent dental damage.
#3: Fingernails
In the United States, 20 to 30% of people bite their nails as a nervous habit or when they’re bored or hungry. Over time, this can lead to premature tooth wear and enamel cracks. Nail-biting may also introduce new bacteria and germs into your mouth, which may lead to oral health issues like gum or cavities. Chew on sugar-free gum instead so you can keep your mouth occupied.
#4: Other People’s Toothbrushes
You may think that sharing a toothbrush with your partner is a totally acceptable way to go about your oral hygiene routine, but this allows for the transfer of harmful bacteria. This raises your risk of gum disease, so it’s best that each person has their own toothbrush.
#5: Pens or Pencils
Some people absentmindedly chew on their pen or pencil while working, which can cause your teeth to break or chip. This bad habit also introduces bacteria and germs into your mouth, so it’s best to eat a tooth-healthy snack like carrot sticks or apple slices while you’re working instead.
#6: Hard Candy
Just like ice, hard candy is meant to melt in your mouth and can crack or break your teeth if you chew on it. Hard candy can also cut your lips or cheeks. Additionally, it stays in your mouth for a long time and gets stuck to your teeth easily. This exposes your smile to cavity-causing sugar for extended periods. Switch to sugar-free candy and let it dissolve instead of chewing it.
By avoiding these six things that your dentist never puts in their mouth, you’ll be able to avoid a dental emergency. Your smile will thank you for it!
About the Practice
If you’re looking for an exceptional team of oral health professionals to help you take better care of your smile, RiverPlace Dental is here to help. They offer a range of oral health services that can help you avoid a dental emergency and can offer advice on how to keep your pearly whites looking lovely. To set up an appointment or for more information, call RiverPlace Dental’s office at (503) 761-1414 or visit their website.